Crisis management

Crisis management

According to the European Environment Agency, disasters caused by weather and climate-related extremes accounted for some 83 % of the monetary losses over the period 1980-2017 in the EU-28. Weather and climate-related losses amounted to EUR 426 billion, while the number of fatalities exceeded 90 000. In Europe, 2017 and 2018 were record years in terms of natural disaster and extreme weather conditions: from fires, to heatwaves, droughts, floods, and lately extreme snowfalls.

Climate change will have consequences in our country on various security aspects. Overall, these include water quantity (drinking water shortages and floods), energy security (lack of cooling water, energy shortage), ecological security (pests and diseases, fires), human security (health, physical security, fires).

Climate change is likely to lead to an increase (frequency and intensity) in relief and crisis management interventions (national and international).

Emergency/action plans established for forest fires or floods.

BE-Alert: channels for notification of the population in the event of a crisis.

Systematic collection of data on natural disasters (e.g.: EM-DAT, disaster database developed by the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters).

Collection of information / experiences after interventions / incidents.

Belgian risk analysis conducted in 2016 identifying 10 risks (including floods and heat waves).

Establishment of a national platform for disaster risk reduction (Sendaï platform) in 2016.

The National Adaptation Plan foresees one measure related to risk management (more info FR/NL).

The federal contribution to the National Adaptation Plan foresees 4 measures related to Crisis management during natural disasters (more info: FR / NL).

Crisis centrum:

European Environment Agency: Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Europe (2017)

European Commission documents: Guidelines for Project Managers:

Making vulnerable investments climate resilient

EU project PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reduction (PLACARD) (i.a. Connectivity Hub)

UNDRR- United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction: Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction; preventionweb; guidelines for developing national disaster risk reduction strategies (2019)

Case Studies


Flood premiums in Orp-Jauche
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Requirement for rainwater collection tank
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Tracking Invasive Alien Species – TrIAS
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