
17/03/23: Towards a climate change resilient society by 2050 – Federal adaptation measures 2023-2026 (FR/NL)

24/02/2021: the new EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change

19/04/2017: Belgian National Adaptation Plan 2017-2020

28/10/2016: Federal contribution to the National Adaptation Plan (FR / NL)

02/06/2016 : Integrated Air-Climate Energy Plan (Brussels) (FR / NL)

21/04/2016 : Walloon Air-Climate Energy Plan (FR)

11/02/2013: Flemish Adaptation Plan (NL)

06/12/2010: First National Adaptation Strategy

24/01/2023 8th National Communication (chapter 6) (EN) – summary (EN)

22/03/2021 Final evaluation of the National Adaptation Plan (NL & FR) (2017-2020)

22/03/2021 Final evaluation of the federal contribution to the National Adaptation Plan (NL & FR) (2017-2020)

08/03/2019 : 2nd report on the national adaptation actions in accordance with Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 (Monitoring Mechanism Regulation) (EN)

08/03/2019: Mid-term evaluation of the National Adaptation Plan (2017-2018) (NL / FR)

10/01/2019: Mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the federal contribution to the National Adaptation Plan (FR / NL)

2018: Adaptation preparedness scoreboard – Country fiche for Belgium

20/12/2017 : 7th National Communication (EN) (chapter 6)

13/03/2015 : 1st report on the national adaptation actions in accordance with Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 (Monitoring Mechanism Regulation) (EN)

20/12/2013 : 6th National Communication  (chapter 6)

09/08/2021: Impact of climate change on the healthcare system in Belgium: Rapport Final (EN)Summary (EN)

11/09/2020: Evaluation of the socio-economic impact of climate change in Belgium : Final Report (EN)Summary(EN)

01/03/2014: Identification & evaluation of the costs of inaction on climate change in Wallonia (FR)

01/07/2013: Exploration of the Federal contribution to a coherent climate adaptation policy

20/07/2012 : Adapting to climate change in the Brussels-Capital Region (FR)

08/09/2011 : LNE Adapt (NL)

31/05/2011 : Regional study on vulnerabilities and adaptation possibilities in Wallonia (FR)

27/03/2019: Outil de l’Agence Européenne de l’Environnement à l’appui de la planification des infrastructures vertes et de la restauration des écosystèmes (EN)

01/07/2017 : Adapte ta commune (Région Wallonne)

12/09/2018 : Climate portal of the Flemish Environmental Agency (NL)

Climate atlas of the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI) (FR / NL)

Walloon platform for the IPCC (FR)

Information portal of the crisis center about risks in Belgium for citizens/organisations aiming to strengthen their resilience provide information to prepare for extreme weather expected to occur in Europe (such as heavy rain with risk of flooding, severe thunderstorms, gale-force winds, heat waves, forest fires, severe coastal tides) (2 display options: today and tomorrow)

EuroHEAT website displays daily forecasts of heatwave probability (0–100 %) for the upcoming ten days. The tool also links to national heat/health warning systems which it is intended to complement.

December 2018 : Round table: wildfire and climate change (FR / NL)

November 2017 : Adaptation to climate change: where does Belgium stand?

Weather report in 2050

Infographics on the influence of global warming on Europe

Adapting to climate change, time for action

Climate chaos in the South 

Teaching kit on climate change (FR / NL)

6 files to know everything about the climate (FR)

A comic book to understand climate change in 2 minutes (FR)