Public Consultation on the Draft Federal Climate Change Adaptation Measures
From June 27 to September 16, the FPS Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment is organizing a public consultation on the federal government’s draft proposal “Towards a climate change resilient society in 2050 – Federal adaptation measures 2023-2026”.
Climate change has become a major concern and requires urgent action on several levels: reducing greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation), adapting to the impact of climate change (adaptation) and preventing and managing loss and damage.
Current and future climate change affects many sectors of our society (transportation, health, economy, agriculture, energy, etc.) We must prepare for and adapt to these changes in order to minimize the negative impact of climate change and make the most of all opportunities.
The federal government has a range of competences, divided in this document into 8 policy areas (research, biodiversity, infrastructure, natural resources, public health, risk and crisis management, international cooperation and awareness raising) to take adaptation measures.
The design of the coherent federal adaptation package exploits these opportunities to implement a coordinated adaptation policy at the federal level.
This survey ended on Sept. 16.